Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Scovia Ayaa: The Pride of a Family

"Hello, my name is Scovia Ayaa. I am in P7 at IGF primary school. We are six in our family and I am the last-born. My mother breaks stones to sell for gravel. Her income is so little, that she was not able to pay for school for my older brothers and sisters. It is only after we discovered IGF that I was able to go to school. 

As there are six of us, there is little food at home, and we barely get something to eat.
Life is not that good at home but I thank God everyday for having given me a sponsor. Because of the sponsor’s support, I get a good education, food & even medication when I am sick. I am so happy to be able to study and to get an opportunity for success. Going to school is my favorite part of the day.  I love playing, learning, eating, seeing my friends and feeling safe.

I do not worry any more since coming to school. The staff and teachers are very encouraging and push the pupils to be better. I love hearing the morning devotionals and hearing about a God who loves me. All I am doing is praying & studying hard to be a doctor. I want to change the future of our family and improve the community around me.The only message I have for my sponsor is thank you. Without you, I would not be where I am today. Apwoyo matek."

Scovia’s story is a familiar one in our community. Many youth had their futures stolen by war and camp life. These younger children – the “children of peace” – are now the hopes of their family. Parents and older siblings take pride and joy in the hope that their young children can have a future. Your sponsorship helps ensure that the rights and the futures of these children are protected. 

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